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Help: My Account

My Account - Summary                                                                                                                                                                     

Bidding: Action Needed

#Listings have not been marked as paid - The number of purchases by listing number that have not been marked paid by the seller (multiple purchases of the same listing count as 1).

#Listings you have been outbid on - The number of listings you have bid on, but are not the high bidder.

Bidding: General

Currently watching # listings - The total number of open and closed listings on your watch list.

Currently bidding on # listings - The number of listings you have entered a bid on.

Currently winning # listing - The number of listings where you are the high bidder (listing that have not closed).

Total Items won: # - The total number of items where you were the high bidder when the listing closed plus the number of instant Buy Now purchases.

Listings: General

Currently # active listings - The number of current active (open) listings posted by this user.

Currently # listings are scheduled to go active - The number of listings that are scheduled to go active - The number of listings that are scheduled for a future date (not active).

Total listings sold: # - the number of listings that have closed with a winning bid or  Buy Now purchase.

Total listing templates available: # - The number of listing templates that are available for activation.

My Account: Bidding                                                                                                                                                                          


Price - The current price of the item.

Shipping costs - The cost to ship the item as defined by the seller.

Seller ID - The user selling the item.

# Bids - Total number of bids the item has received.

Time Left - The amount of time until the listing ends.

Listing Number - The listing title is displayed after the listing number.

How to remove an Item from your watch list:

    1. Check the Box associated with the listing to be removed from the watch list.
    2. Click the "Remove from the list" button located at the bottom of the watch list.

View Sellers Other Items - This button allows a user to view the seller's other items and storefront.

Contact Seller - An email will be sent containing the message that is entered into the contact user form.


Current Price - The current winning bid.

Shipping Cost - The cost to ship the item as defined by the seller.

My Max Bid - The maximum amount you have bid on a listing.

Time Left - The amount of time until the listing ends.

Listing Number - The listing number is displayed in ( ) parenthesis.


Seller ID - The username of the seller.

Sale Price - The amount of the sale (highest accepted bid of fixed price).

Total Price - The total price due including shipping and tax (if purchased within your state).


Price + Shipping + Tax = Total Price

Sale Date - Date the listing ended or item was purchased with Buy Now.

Remove from list - This allows a user to remove old completed transactions.

How to remove a transaction:

  1. Check the bos associated with the listing to be removed from the watch list.
  2. Click the "Remove from list" button located at the bottom of the watch list.

Not Won

Final Price - The final selling price of the item.

My Max Bid - The maximum amount bid on the item.

Seller ID - The username of the seller.

End Date - The date the listing ended.

View Seller's Other Items - The button allows a user to view the seller's other items. This you to the sellers store if they have one.





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